moorish american national affairs

thereof is contingent on the especial Nation's. ability to stand up and be counted within its. Furthermore, an official website for submitting petitions to Congress featured a Moorish Americansovereignty petitionthat had over 6,200 petitioners. They watch over commercial interests of the state for which they act; collect information for it; help its nationals with advice, administer their property if they die abroad, and register their births, deaths, and marriages; they authenticate documents for legal purposes, take depositions from witnesses, visa passports, and the like. J.L. The Five pointed open Green Star has represented the Moorish since the fall of man. While mans evils to man are made sufferable, evil is not requisite to man, And: When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces projections, by your National Criminal Justice Commission, to disproportionately incarcerated 63% of Moorish Men between the ages of 18 and 36 by the Year 2020 with programs in place to eradicate their family structure by displacement of the Father Heads of household and by glorifying the fallen state of 8.2 million Single Moms among its Women; it is their Natural Right, it becomes their Duty to unfold away from such government, and to provide new guards for their future security: Moorish Americans must pay their dues and keep in line with all necessities of Moorish America and then you are entitled to the name of Faithful. All Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights Are Hereby Reserved By The Moorish American Government. Learn how it works, and see h Aseer The Duke Of Tiers: Freemasonry Exposed!Mogul Minds Network: Aseer, the Duke of Tiers, is possibly the most well known Moorish scholar in the country and in this interview we got into everything from untold POC history in the Americas and Moorish world influence to exposing freemasonry. One initial logical question is precisely how many black racial. Natural Citizens are not confined to non-governmental organizations but are duty bound to proclaim their free national name, to be recognized by their government in which they must live. Moorish sovereign citizens espouse an antigovernment doctrine in which its members claim to be part of a sovereign nation. We, the Vanguard Tribe of the Moorish hordes of America, do hereby requisition the following remedies to be legalized by the United States Supreme Court, the Executive Branch or/and an adept Special Congressional Committee, or other National or International authorized designated body to: Recognize the Free National Name and Number and Sovereign autonomy of the Moorish Americans as the Clean and Pure Nation with our Government, Religion, officials, flag, seals, et al in the glory of a Proper Person. That is the same definition of Black or African American used by the U.S. Census Bureau, and other agencies. The Supreme Grand Council of Moorish Science Temples of America National Headquarters P.O. Only then can we, The Moorish American Nation, be truly free, a whole ancient people with Constitution de jure and accepted intact by the nations of the earth. The problem arises when reading the definition itself. Enacted on 22nd August 2009,the Divine Constitution and By-Laws of Moorish Americais largely based on the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedon and Justice set out by our Great Father, Sheik Sharif Abdul Ali El Hajj (Prophet Noble Drew Ali) in his M.S.T. Whenever the aboriginal Moors are engaged in any form of commerce (trade, buying, selling, etc.) the mission of the moorish national republic federal government north east amexem territories and dominions is to uplift fallen humanity and to convey love, truth, peace, freedom and justice. To make into law An Agreed Seventy Year Indigenous Peoples Mandate from which to purge into realization the Clean and Pure Nation of Moorish Americans within the security of Moorish America. They have perpetrated large-scale financial fraud, including creating false money orders, fraudulent cashiers checks and bogus financial instruments. Book. Contrary to popular belief, there is no Black race in the United States. exercise jurisdiction over their countrymen, their persons are inviolable, their residences may be used as asylums in the case of war or tumult, and in fact they possess more than the ordinary diplomatic immunities. T.J. Lawrence, A Hand-book of Public International Law 8687 (10th ed. Recently, Moorish sovereign citizens have engaged in violent confrontations with law enforcement. the exercise of their consular functions. Group leader Jamhal Talib Abdullah posted a photo of the group doing marksmanship training on Facebook in August 2020. With these intents, Americas greatness is divinely assured and the Negro problem will be finally and wholly solved. As if every other person believed in the same folklore born in the United States as they do, and like them, did not bother to read the actual definition of the term, given that officially. Consulate General of Canada in Dallas 500 N Akard St, Ste 2900, Dallas, Texas 75201Coordinate: 32.7843819, -96.8002014 Phone: (214) 922-9806 ( moorish american consular court. The assistant Grand Sheik is to assist the Grand Sheik in all affairs . Check out our updates below. Abdullah told police they were traveling from Rhode Island, where their headquarters is located, to Maine for training. Please Download These FREE Books, Documents & Videos & Share With Friends & Family! Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of the Land. }, (The providence of Allah is ever all His works; He ruleth and directeth with infinite wisdom. Since it is not in the nature of chattel to also be the owner the mass production of Negroes, Colored Folks and Black People made only in America was never designed for them to be autonomy themselves. Since then Morocco has not recognized their Moorish Forefathers as those named among the Faithful. Department of Library and Archives of Wisdom, 12. All Moorish Americans must keep their hearts and minds pure with love and their bodies clean with water. The Moorish American Birthright of Independence. We are Heirs to this land and a Nation State, Webelieve in Peace, Love, Freedom, truth Justice and Equality for Humanity one Nation under Consular Jurisdiction, Home of the El's - Al's - Bey's - Dey's - and Ali's. (3) Citizen: Citizens are members of an established government, State or political community. We are Flesh and Blood Natural Persons and duly affirm standing squarely upon . In fact, the MSTA issued astatementin July 2011 condemning sovereign citizen practices and denying any association with radical or subversive Moorish sovereign groups. Details of the issue involving our Moorish American National We will review the information and respond back to you accordingly. The problem arises when reading the definition itself. It is not too widely known The Divine Constitution alone has the power to emancipate all Persons (property e.g. Please CLICK on YeSharon to book a private consultation. When so-called Negroes whom have used Slave Names, not knowing these labels are unacceptable, without worth and decry muster among the realms of free nationalized citizens; making Blacks, excluding Indians not taxed, as 3/5 of all other Persons, subjected to perpetual taxation without true representation as those Members under a Free National Descent Name: When the high diligence of honor and glory due for another siphons the contributions and accomplishments of a people then unjustly hoisted as their own; the credibility, trust and reliance are misplaced. To uplift fallen humanity and to convey Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. The North American continent is under binding international treaty law, i.e., the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1836 between the United States of North America and the Moroccan Empire, which superseded the organic Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1787 between the United States of America and His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Morocco. According tolaw enforcement sources, Moorish sovereign citizens are closely affiliated with theMoorish Science Temple of America(MSTA) and trace their roots to the creation of the MSTA in 1913 and its founder, Noble Drew Ali (aka Timothy Drew). They use this perceived immunity to justify refusing to pay taxes, buy auto insurance, register their vehicles and to defraud banks and other lending institutions. When we have not been able to promote, from the sons of Man, our Equal, to Sovereign Power and set as a Ruler over ourselves, for the good of our Kingdom due to feign freedom under denationalized Citizenry: When the Peace of all societies dependeth on Justice; the Happiness of individuals, on the safe enjoyment of all their possessions, yet so-called Black Persons being colorable American Citizens, are they themselves possessed. Friday is our Holy Day of rest, because on a Friday the first man was formed in flesh and on a Friday the first man departed out of flesh and ascended unto his Father God Allah, for that cause Friday is the Holy Day for all Moslems all over the world. There are no reliable figures available on the number of active Moorish sovereigns. The Grand Sheik and the Chairman of Moorish America are in power to make law and enforce laws with the assistance of the Prophet and the Grand Body of Moorish America. Posted on Dec 16, 2021. Contrary to popular belief, there is no Black race in the United States. Identity and protection via the law leading the indigenous people into a new earth by new vision. In some cases, their fraudulent activity is part of a larger sovereign practice called the redemption doctrine. It declares that Moors (like all sovereigns) can incorporate themselves, thereby allowing individuals to use themselves as personal assets worth tens of millions of dollars. They "direct the actions of the Government, according to ACT 1 of the Divine Constitution of Moorish America and in principle set out the essential political guidelines. Article 21. Your domain registration is pending. The Grand Sheik and the Chairman of Moorish America are in power to make law and enforce laws with the assistance of the Prophet and the Grand Body of Moorish America. Pax et Amor, Consultations with YeSharon Akasha El Rose Bey, Consul Training Class Request [OPEN TO ALL Moorish/Moroccan Nationals], A Divine Warning By The Prophet For The Nations, [1] The Organization of the Confederacy -, [2] To Acknowledge the Contribution of the Iroquois Confederacy of Nations to the Development of the united States Constitution and to reaffirm the continuing Government to Government relationship between Indian Tribes and the united States established in the Constitution, [7] The Constitution for the united States of America, Treaty of Madrid - Right of Protection in Morocco, Treaty Between France and Spain Concerning Morocco, [10] Convention on Rights and Duties of States, [11] Inter American Treaties A-410 Charter, United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of. Other examples of Moorish sovereign citizen groups include the Free Moorish Nation, the United Mawshakh Nation of Nuurs, the Nuwaubian Nation of Moors and the Al Moroccan Empire. fiat in the cited U.S. administrative agency document do not exist anywhere, not only not in Africa, any institution or individual is defied to refute the above stated fact by, if the number you conclude exist is more than 0 (zero), posting the precise number of so-called black racial groups of Africa, with the included work, specifically, citations to primary sources, showing how you and your organization reached the conclusion. Latitude: 29.71242136 The Divine Constitution and By-Laws for Moorish Americans. The true and de jure AI Moroccans I Americans. All Moorish American Divine Ministers and citizenry may attend. so precision or even reasonable approximation is impossible. Registered Moorish Americans with the Moorish American National Government is currently at approximately 60, 000,000 citizens and growing. L, T, P, F, & J are the sacred values, holy philosophy and true tools of life of every Moorish Citizen. 'Foreign Policy' came into effect as a result of the UNITED STATES (Inc.) giving up their extraterritorial jurisdiction in Morocco by Title 22 USC 141 - 143 being repealed, and by the United States consular courts in Morocco being abolished pursuant to Public Law 856, Act of August 1, 1956. Learn a proven communication formula that has . are part and parcel to its government; however, M.N.R.P. 1 4 1 . Sons and daughters must obey father and mother and be industrious and become a part of the uplifting of fallen humanity. This "Second Great Awakening" of the Divine and National Movement defined and manifested United States of America Republic [U.S.A.R. You can try to dialing this number: (281) 406-0312 - or find more information on their website: The 65 words compiling The Divine Constitution of Moorish America is the most powerful instrument ever written in the history of the Human Family for the ultimate deliverance of a Nation. The theory of Black race in the United States: lack racial groups of Africa do not exist In this three part series we will provide you with primary sources for the origins of the terms race, white and black, as used in the United States. In honor Always Moorish National Republic Federal Government For the following Corporate STATES: STATE OF CONNECTICUT Great Seal National Association of Moorish Affairs [141 Weston Street #1145 HARTFORD CONNECTICUT . black racial groups of Africa do not exist anywhere in the known universe. The Moorish Americans have risen from the dust and is now that especial Nation. TITLE 22 USC 141-143 (BEFORE IT WAS REPEALED), THE HISTORY ON CONSULAR'S AND CONSULAR JURISDICTION. own relevant census. Simply put, these and all activities of the Moorish American National Government are to establish Domestic and International recognition for the Moorish American Nation/Government and to effectively address the health, interests, rights and needs of the Moorish American people. To be a citizen of any government, you must proclaim your National Descent Name. Take your place among the affairs of Man, become a voter or join as a Voting Poll Worker. If you or your organization has evidence to the contrary, kindly post the primary sources in theresponses. Only the Moorish Americans must rightfully proclaim this, their National and Divine Identification, hereby notifying the United States of America and all nations of the earth with the following Divine Constitution and By Laws We are an organic people and declare Our Moorish American Independence that: Our God Is The Great God Of The Universe And Master To The Day Of Judgment, Our National Prayer Is The Moorish American Prayer, Our International Prayer Is The Al-Fatiha, Our Holy Prophet, Angel And Founding Father Is Noble Drew Ali, Our Principles Are Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom And Justice, Our Earthland Is Home And Moorish Amexem (Americas) Is Our Native Land, Our Citizens Are Freeborn Moorish American Nationals, Our Theocracy Form Of Government Is Guided By Our Holy Koran And Divine Covenant, Our Assistant National Head Is The Assistant Grand Sheik, Our Grand National Chairman Is The Moorish Consul General (Grand Mufti), Our Grand Body Is A Congress Of Divine Ministers, Adepts And Angels, Our National Purpose Is The Uplifting Of Fallen Humanity, Our Flag Is Red With The Five-Pointed Open Green Star In The Center, Our Grand National Seal Is The Logos Circle Seven, Our Grand National Emblem Is The Red Crescent Moon And Five-Pointed Open Star, National Grand Sheik, Dr. Serapus Amin Ra El(Grand Consul-General), Grand Secretary of State Minister Thornton-EL, National Grand Chairman, Dr. Akhnaton Pert M Heru Tutankhamun Bey(Grand Consul-General), National Grand Secretary of State, Dr. Hatshepsut Tutankhamun Bey, National Grand Treasurer, Dr. Nefertiti Tutankhamun Bey, National Grand Secretary, Dr. Auset Amun EL, *National Assistant Grand Sheik Dr. Shedu Amenti Al Mu Hedjet Sepesu EL, Vice Consul-General Minister Tidwell Bey, Grand Secretary of State Sekhet Rennanet Maati Bey, Grand Secretary of State Minister Dianne Carter-Bey, Consul-General Minister Ka Maat Shu Bey, Vice Consul-General Minister Omar Thomas EL, Grand Secretary of State Minister Kami Ector-El. Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice must be proclaimed and practiced by all citizens of Moorish America. The 12 Departments of the M.A.G.are as follows : 1. Actively Support; InnerStandings; International Affairs; A VERY IMPORTANT MOORISH PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT; R.V.BeyPublications Shortcut; FREE PUBLIC ACCESS TO LAWFULLY PUBLISHED MOORISH AMERICAN DOCUMENTS, NATIONALITY . 2. The acountability of our Grand Body of Executive Rulers to the Council of Elders and the accountability of the National Grand Sheik of the Theocracy to the people, make for a strong and united nation of Moorish Americans. These groups primarily operated throughout the Southeastern, Northeastern and Midwestern United States. Act 1. When you join our tribe and become a member, you will: 1.) Department of Social Duties and Interfaith Ministries. Federal, state and local law enforcement have encountered Moorish sovereigns committing a wide range of minor or white collar criminal activity includingtraffic violations,house squatting,tax fraud,financial scamsand violations of governmentregulations. The term literally has no rational meaning. In 1993, the only American-born suspect connected with the plot targeting New York City landmarks,Clement Rodney Hampton-El(including the successful bombing of the World Trade Center), espoused Moorish ideology. As if every other person believed in the same folklore born in the United States as they do, and like them, did not bother to read the actual definition of the term, given that officially, no Black race officially exists in either Germany or France. They also save money by practicing tax avoidance schemes or tax fraud. Your straw-man is a non-living, non-breathing fictitious corporate Entity that has the same name as you except in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. To unequivocally prove that black racial groups of Africa, as created by. Moorish sovereign group members have been known to wear paramilitary style uniforms with patches of the Moorish flag, and to operate vehicles modified to resemble police patrol cars (equipped with a police insignia on the door panels and light bar). Consular court: Courts held by the consuls of one country, within the territory of another, under authority given by treaty, for the settlement of civil cases. is co-trustee with the United States because of the Treaty, and Article VI of the Constitution for the United States of America. Moors have participated in rallies, conferences and other events with groups, such as the Bloods street gang, theLatin Kingsstreet gang, theNew Black Panther Party, theNation of IslamandBlack Hebrew Israelites, according to law enforcement sources. The Moorish Americans as a Clean and Pure Nation have neither debts to the United States of America, her allies, enemies nor any nation neither foreign nor native. Check back in an hour. Therefore since there is no distinction between a Black Slave and a Free Black on the credit side of righteousness; hence in the matter of the bearers of Slave Names the standard doors of selective Citizenship are forever sealed, either by national descent, choice or naturalization. Race and Ethics Standards for federal Statistics, believe in Peace, Love, Freedom, truth Justice and Equality for Humanity one Nation under Consular Jurisdiction. The granted privilege of the Negro Vote cannot be counted as One Man One Vote while the 3/5 Clause remain cloaked in the esoteric word Person thereby rendering from a peopleless people the clandestine three-to-make-one ballot at the discretion of the citizens to be cast hither thither or where ever to favor their will: When six score and fifteen years of post Slavery and emancipation of African Nationals have not yielded their just Nationalization, Colonization, Reparations nor Self-Education but depleted for the economical, political, industrial, religious entertainment and competitive advantages of the United States, it is only befitting in the course of justice for the Moorish Americans to best honor the benevolence of that Government through a Treaty of Peace and Friendship; rather than be a census tumor on the body of that State: When the colonies, corporations, towns, cities, homes, travel ways and means we have planted are not our own. In contrast, Moorish sovereign citizen groups generally are small, consisting of a couple of dozen followers, many of whom are nominally led by one or two charismatic individuals who profit from the promotion of Moorish doctrines and the preparation and sale of bogus legal documents to those embracing their Moorish nationality or heritage. This has caused confusion among the media and law enforcement who mistakenly link the groups together. The Assistant Grand Sheik is to assist the Grand Sheik in all affairs if he lives according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, and it is known before the citizens of Moorish America. No Black race exists in the United States. But, the United States remains greatly indebted to the Moors, with compound interest, beginning with the magnanimous financial support from our Sultan in Morocco without which the United States would not have won Her Independence, spurning Americas first and oldest Treaty, through four hundred years of Slave labor, to the industrial, medical, arts and scientific contributions, which she would not exist without the generations of Moorish staple. Ye are the children of one Father, provided for by his care; and the breast of one Mother hath given you suck. He based it on the premise that African Americans are descendants of the Moabites and thus are "Moorish" (sometimes also spelled "Muurish" by adherents) by nationality, and Islamic by faith. All citizens must preserve these Holy and Divine laws, and all citizens must obey the laws of the Government, because by being a Moorish American, you are a part and parcel of the Government, and must live the life accordingly. Therefore, we will assist our people seeking work opportunities to fill out the W-4V from or I9 IRS forms when necessary. class by fiat; a legal fiction having no basis whatsoever. class by fiat; a legal fiction having no basis whatsoever. This Divine Covenant is from your Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali, thru the guidance of His Father God Allah. Citizens are they who have established or submitted themselves to the protection, promotions and general welfare of their individual and collective rights. Eatonton, Georgia). All meetings are to be opened and closed promptly according to the Circle Seven and Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. 1955). (VIDEO) Ancient Mysteries: Secret Mounds Of Prehistoric America (1995)Explore some of the most intriguing archaeological sites on earth--the puzzling pre-historic mounds built by the ancient residents of North America. The National Grand Sheik is not the hierarchical superior of the other ministers. 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