All other marks mentioned may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Provide information about the KDC and admin account. Ambari REST API URI Ambari REST API URI . Deleting a local group removes all privileges associated with the group. the clone) and save. have your System Administration team receive all RPC and CPU related alerts that are stored in the Ambari database, including group membership information. provides access to a python script that can help you clear any issues you may encounter cp /usr/share/HDP-oozie/ /usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/oozie/libext. HDFS before upgrading further. Execute at any host: Using Ambari Web UI > Services > Storm > Configs > Nimbus > find nimbus.childopts. This principal identifies the process in To save your changes, click the checkmark. for your current services, see one of the following topics: Upgrade from HDP 2.1 to HDP 2.2, Getting Ready to Upgrade, Upgrade from HDP 2.0 to HDP 2.2, Getting Ready to Upgrade. On the Ambari Server, obtain the JCE policy file appropriate for the JDK version in Notifications can be sent via EMAIL or SNMP when specific alert/severity combinations occur. On the Ambari Server host: For example: hdfs:// su -l -c "hdfs dfs -rm -r /user/oozie/share"; Choose OK to confirm starting the selected operation. ids from the host and forces Agent to restart and re-register. Open the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. NodeManagers are down.NodeManagers are not down but are not listening to the correct network port/address. This is an in-house product aims at managing the bills and budget of a customer. su -l -c "hdfs namenode -bootstrapStandby -force"w. The bootstrapStandby command will download the most recent fsimage from the active It must match Browse to the web server directory you created. the following command, as the HDFS user: sudo su -l -c "hdfs dfsadmin -safemode get". If you do not meet the upgrade prerequisite requirements listed above, you can consider Copy the checkpoint files located in into a backup directory. Using Ambari Web > Services > Service Actions, start YARN. where is the HDFS Service user. Make sure that the output contains the string "Oozie DB has been upgraded to Oozie If any data necessary to determine state is not available, the block displays Use the following steps to do actions on an individual service: From the Dashboard or Services page, select a service. Huge Pages on all hosts. In Ambari Web, browse to the host where you would like to install another Oozie Server. [AZURE.IMPORTANT] Connecting to Ambari on HDInsight requires HTTPS. through the server. Enabled or disabled. This provides a quick way to access the most recent changes to a service configuration. The default setting is 10% to produce a WARN alert and 30% to At the Use SSL* prompt, enter your selection. To prevent out-of-memory errors during the install, at the Customize Services step Click Next to approve the changes and start automatically configuring ResourceManager HA. Someone familiar and examine the reason and logs for each failure. Click Actions, choose Update, then click the enter button. Add Service supports deploying additional services without interrupting operations in your Hadoop Enter a two-digit version number. "; Find the file in the /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services/HIVE/etc/ directory of the Ambari Server host after you have installed Ambari Server. This allows you identify hung tasks and get insight into long running tasks. Web interface. It is highly recommended that you perform backups of your Hive Metastore and Oozie stop Hue, then "dump" the database content to a file, as follows: ./etc/init.d/hue stop services, components and hosts in an Ambari-managed cluster. You can [] mesos. -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo. At the Group name attribute* prompt, enter the attribute for group name. Select the OS family running on your installation host. Verifying : postgresql-8.4.20-1.el6_5.x86_64 3/4 This section contains the su commands and corresponding Hadoop service accounts that are configurable on install: These user accounts must match the service user accounts referenced in the Customize Services > Misc tab during the Install Wizard configuration step. The output of this statement should with the configuration properties from the version you are reverting -- it is effectively python version create database ambari; facilitates automating cluster installations without UI interaction. Notice that Maintenance Mode turns on for host This alert is triggered if the number of down NodeManagers in the cluster is greater Confirm that Ambari packages downloaded successfully by checking the package name list. Tn Overseas Protocols Wish Wide. cd /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views. gpgcheck=1 The default accounts are always files: Find these files only on a host where WebHCat is installed. /usr/lib/hbase/bin/ start rest -p . In Services, select the Service Actions drop-down menu, then choose an option. solution for your HDP cluster. Copy the checkpoint files located in <$> into a backup directory. Kerberos is a third party authentication mechanism, in (Falcon is available with HDP 2.1 or 2.2 Stack. and a small, red, numbered rectangle indicating any alerts generated for the service. to a HDFS dir. where is the name of the user that runs the HiveServer2 service. This information is only available if you are running JDK you can run two or more of each of those components. It features a sleek and cool two-panel design, with explanations written in plain English on the left and handy code snippets on the right. ambari-server setup and ambari-server setup-ldap again. You will use this during ambari-server setup-ldap. At least, WebHCat, HCatlaog, and Oozie is that such a solution has been integrated successfully, so logging into each individual interact securely with all hosts in the cluster. You are being present, ambari rest api documentation, you can create a distributed mode when coding countdown timers. upgrade. The HDFS Links and HBase Links widgets list HDP components for which links to more Wait until the progress bar shows that the service has completely started and has wget -nv, wget -nv Use the left navigation bar to go back to the appropriate screen. The return value is similar to one of the following examples: wasbs://[email protected] - This value indicates that the cluster is using an Azure Storage account for default storage. to the Stacks definition directory. For a remote, accessible, public repository, the HDP and HDP-UTILS Base URLs are the for your users, depending on their roles, and deploy these versions at the same time.For more information about building Views, see the Apache Ambari Wiki page. You can reuse the name of a local user that has been deleted. The unique name of a user or service that authenticates against the KDC. Installed : ambari-server.noarch 0:1.7.0-135 The Tez View shows counters at the Vertex and Task levels that let you understand (like running MapReduce jobs). Or, if Go to the Upgrade Folder you created when Preparing the 2.0 Stack for Upgrade. You must complete these instructions before you set up the Ambari Server defaults to true. The HDFS version. Each primary name has appended to it the instance name, the FQDN of You can also run service checks as the "Smoke Test" user cp /etc/hadoop/conf.empty/ /etc/hadoop/conf/; - Failed to connect to https://:8440/cert/ca due to [Errno 1] _ssl.c:492: is in place, you must run a special setup command. DataNode is skipped from all Bulk Operations except Turn Maintenance Mode ON/OFF. For more information about See Managing Stack and Versions for more information. is the name of the Ambari Server host Installing : postgresql-libs-8.4.20-1.el6_5.x86_64 1/4 The NameNode process is down on the HDFS master host.The NameNode process is up and running but not listening on the correct network port This information is only available if you are running This file is expected to be available on the Ambari Server host during from ACME.COM that had a single component [email protected], the following rule would do Create /usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/oozie/libext-upgrade22 directory. At a high level, it has three parts: A database of the users and services (known as principals) that it knows about and their respective Kerberos passwords, An Authentication Server (AS) which performs the initial authentication and issues a Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT), A Ticket Granting Server (TGS) that issues subsequent service tickets based on the initial TGT. Locate your certificate. will install those components and then configure their properties during the upgrade The following topics On any platform, we recommend updating your browser to the latest, stable version. You will need them when installing Ambari and the version libraries will probably fail during the upgrade. in a rolling fashion. cd /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/, For HDP 2.0 or HDP 2.1 Stack Select Host Actions, then choose Turn On Maintenance Mode. Ambari Admins can create View instances and set the privileges on access to users Enable generic history service in timeline server. thresholds (200% warning, 250% critical). network port. information on configuring Kerberos in your cluster, see the Ambari Security Guide. It can be started on any host that has the HBase Master or the Region Each configuration must have a unique tag. cluster, see the Ambari Security Guide. and other related options, such as database settings for Hive/HCat and Oozie, admin Copy the SSH Public Key ( to the root account on your target hosts. ), ranger (Ranger is available with HDP 2.2 Stack), spark (Spark is available with HDP 2.2 Stack), Masters (Nimbus, DRPC Server, Storm REST API, Server, Storm UI Server) Slaves (Supervisors, Interface to Ambari Web and Ambari REST API, Handshake Port for Ambari Agents to Ambari Server, Registration and Heartbeat Port for Ambari Agents to Ambari Server. Send the specified to the HTTP server along with the request. hdfs dfsadmin -fs hdfs://namenode2-hostname:namenode2-port -saveNamespace. chkconfig kadmin onSLES 11 If your cluster does not have access to the Internet, set up a local repository with Check the dependent services to make sure they are operating correctly.Check the ZooKeeper logs (/var/log/hadoop/zookeeper.log) for further information.If the failure was associated with a particular workload, try to understand the workload Copy the repository tarballs to the web server directory and untar. Using Hosts, select @ACME.COM)s/@.// RULE:[2:$1@$0](. Stop all Ambari Agents. The examples, with some slight modifications, can work on a Windows Command prompt. Follow the instructions in the Customize Widget pop-up to customize widget appearance. permission on the cluster. flag as Active or Inactive, you can effectively "disable" user account access to Ambari Stop the Ambari Server. Make sure that the output contains the string "New Oozie WAR file added". Ambari Web GUI displays. The bills of the user is passed via REST API to the mamBu back end. message similar to the following one: An exception was thrown while adding/validating classes) : Specified key was too long; Make sure you have the correct components showing in HDFS. To view the list of users and groups used by the cluster services, choose Admin > Service Accounts. Edit the command below by replacing 29 with the actual value for id returned from the prior step. The Tez client should also be installed on the Pig host. Notice in the preceding example the primary name for each service principal. The :offset is an integer value that represents an offset (zero based) into the set of resources. installed on the selected host. A colored dot beside each host name indicates operating status of each host, as follows: Red - At least one master component on that host is down. You must pre-load the Hive database schema into your MySQL database using the schema The RegionServer process is down on the host.The RegionServer process is up and running but not listening on the correct network where = FQDN of the web server host, and is CENTOS6, SLES11, or Access Red Hat's knowledge, guidance, and support through your subscription. Use the GET method to read the properties, metrics and sub-resources of an Ambari resource. Check the current FS root. provides the following: Method for describing and packaging a View, Framework services for a View to integrate with Ambari, Method for managing View versions, instances, and permissions. Optionally, repeat step 5 in Prepare the 2.1 Stack for Upgrade to create new versions of the logs and reports, substituting "-new " for "-old " in the file names as necessary. Using the Ambari Web UI, do the following tasks: For more information about managing services in your cluster, see Managing Services. Click Actions, choose Update, then click the enter button. They will not be broken by any future V1 releases. to cluster hosts during configuration. Administrators can choose to delete these To save your changes and close the editor, choose Apply. After setup completes, you must restart each component for the new JDK to be used For example, if using curl, include the -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" option. HA NameNodes must be performed with all JournalNodes running. Used to limit which data is returned by a query. Set up an additional environment variables: You will use these variables in upcoming examples to simplify curl calls. You need to log in to your current NameNode host to run the commands to put your NameNode into safe mode and create failures or are taking time. the Stack. If you NameNode operations. Quick Links are not groups, LDAP groups are imported and synchronized from an external LDAP system. For a complete reference of the REST API, see Apache Ambari API Reference V1. manual process, depending on your installation. For example, put your certificate If the View requires certain configuration properties, you are Ambari is provided by default with Linux-based HDInsight clusters. be laid out across a cluster and what configurations to set. Do this only if you do not want to rollback to that prior Some metrics have values that are available across a range in time. in Ambari will be updated to match LDAP. repository. : [{"HostRoles":{"component_name":"SECONDARY_NAMENODE"}] }' ://localhost:/api/v1/clusters//hosts?Hosts/host_name=. This section describes several security options for an Ambari-monitored-and-managed In the following example, has been Verify that the standby NameNode now exists. instances. where is the HDFS Service user. Each View deployed has a unique name. For example, you might want your Hadoop Operations Introduction. For example, On the HBase > Services, click Alerts. Installing : postgresql-server-8.4.20-1.el6_5.x86_64 3/4 contributor of code and patches to many of these projects. trials, they are not suitable for production environments. Example: Hive Metastore Process, Watches a metric based on a configuration property. CREATE USER IDENTIFIED BY default tablespace ,,API,app Store,API ,, On the active NameNode host, as the HDFS user: To check if the Upgrade is in progress, check that the " \previous " directory has been created in \NameNode and \JournalNode directories. As an Ambari Admin, you can create new users, delete users, change user passwords Name of each of your hosts. For example, on RHEL/CentOS, check the /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl file has an journalnode" Some versions of sudo have a default configuration that prevents sudo from being invoked For example, Customize Services. All hosts must have the target version installed. su -l -c "hadoop --config /etc/hadoop/conf fs -copyToLocal /apps/webhcat/*.tar.gz Where is the path to the X.509 certificate. This value is optional. If you have set up non-default, customized service user names for the HDFS or HBase package version naming convention has changed to include the HDP 2.2 product version If you want to limit access to the Ambari Server to HTTPS connections, you need to If your proxy server requires authentication, add the user name and password, as follows: -Dhttp.proxyUser= -Dhttp.proxyPassword=. Click Next to continue. performing this upgrade procedure. to your cluster. After authenticating to Ambari Web, the application authenticates to the Ambari Server. ports must be open and available. NameNode in the HA pair is. The host on which the timeout occurs will show the following process hanging: # ps -ef | grep zypper installed components for the selected service and group. If your cluster is configured for Kerberos, you must set up the Ambari Server for is the admin user for Ambari Server to the directories suggested by the installer. For more information, see Using Non-Default Databases - Hive and Using Non-Default Databases - Oozie. Choose Download Client Configs. is granted no privileges by default. plug-in. In a NameNode HA configuration, this NameNode does not enter the standby state as For more information about creating Ambari users locally and importing Ambari LDAP Select Service Actions, then choose Rebalance HDFS. procedure. Example: my.secondary.ldap.server:389 admin_server = my.kdc.server database. This topic describes how to configure Kerberos for strong authentication for Hadoop Click to Edit the description, check interval or thresholds. The Tez View tool lets your more easily understand and debug any submitted Tez job. When Ambari detects success, the message on the bottom of the window jdye64 / gist:edc12e9e11a92e088818 Last active 2 years ago Star 1 Fork 1 Stars Forks Ambari V1 REST API Reference Raw #!/bin/bash # These are examples for the stable V1. The Kerberos principal for Ambari views. On the Oozie server, as the Oozie user This is sometimes required in the case of a very long query string that causes the request to exceed the limits of the URL. Configuring Ambari and Hadoop for Kerberos, Set Up Ambari for LDAP or AD Authentication, Encrypting Ambari Database and LDAP Passwords, Set Up Two-Way SSL for Ambari Server and Agents, Configure Ciphers and Protocols for Ambari Server. If you have not completed prerequisite steps, a warning message similar to the following ways: Maintenance Mode suppresses alerts, warnings and status change indicators generated For example, you can remove this text. Not all features of the Ambari Web UI are supported on HDInsight. In /var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.log, Using Actions, select HostsComponent Type, then choose Decommission. and to check those hosts to make sure they have the correct directories, packages, In a NameNode HA configuration, this NameNode will not enter the standby state as where <$version> is the 2.2.x build number and is derby, mysql, oracle, or postgres. was too long ago or if the number of uncommitted transactions is beyond a certain instances. This example returns a JSON document containing the current configuration for the livy2-conf component. After your mapping rules have been configured and are in place, Hadoop uses those the software packages to your selected mirror server and creating the repository. Ambari supports a umask value of 022 or 027. credentials are stored in a keytab file, which is extracted from the Kerberos database and stored locally in a secured Use the following syntax to issue a curl command for Ambari HAWQ/PXF management operations: curl options relevant to Ambari REST API communication include: The first step in using the Ambari REST API is to authenticate with the Ambari server. For example, /work/upgrade_hdp_2, on a host that can communicate with Ambari Server. schema script, as follows:# sudo -u postgres psql Monitoring and managing such complex Specifically, you must alter the Ambari database user and grant the SEQUENCE permission. where is the Oozie service user. When you are satisfied with your assignments, choose Next. Go to the Upgrade Folder you just created in step 15. python --hostname --user --password Perform steps 3 through 8 on the NameNode host. Where is the Hive user name, is the Hive user password and is the Hive database name. Optional - Back up the Oozie Metastore database. At the Base DN* prompt, enter your selection. We'll start off with a Spark session that takes Scala code: sudo pip install requests For example, to HDP 2.2.4. in seconds. This path is the root of the HDFS compatible file system for the cluster. (The cluster name for the FQDN isn't case-sensitive.). Several widgets, such as CPU Usage, provide additional information when clicked. Enter a two-digit version number. Get Started : This step gives you an overview of the process and allows you to select a Nameservice by running ambari-server setup. Confirm you can browse to the newly created local repositories. You can click Install OnMyCluster, or you can browse back to Admin > Stack and Versions. To ensure that the configuration has been done properly, you can su to the ambari see the alert definition. Point your browser to http://:8080, where is the name of your ambari server host. The Add Service wizard displays installed services You must wait until all the services are completely timestamps, then the authentication is rejected as a replay request. You should see the Ambari packages in the list. The base directories you want to use as mount points for storing: Various log, pid, and db files, depending on your install type. Edit the script below by replacing PASSWORD with your actual password. Ambari Agents fail to register with Ambari Server during the Confirm Hosts step in the Cluster Install wizard. This topic describes how to use Ambari Web features to monitor and manage your HDP Each service Web UI. Confirm that Ambari packages downloaded successfully by checking the package name service status: Click the service name to open the Services screen, where you can see more detailed information on each service. Make sure to download the HDP.repo file under /etc/yum.repos on ALL hosts. types makes up the set of configurations for a service.For example, the HDFS Service includes the following config types: hdfs-site, core-site, must be in Maintenance Mode. Ambari Agent - Installed on each host in your cluster. new and preserves any existing service user accounts, and uses these accounts when If you have a Kerberos-enabled cluster, you must review Upgrading Ambari with Kerberos-Enabled Cluster and be prepared to perform post-upgrade steps required. When navigating the version scroll area on the Services > Configs tab, you can hover over a version to display options to view, compare or revert. Each View can CREATE USER ''@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY ''; for the rollback procedure: Substitute the value of the administrative user for Ambari Web. usr/lib/oozie/libext/mysql-connector-java.jar This host-level alert is triggered if the HistoryServer operations RPC latency exceeds for both YARN Timeline Server and YARN ResourceManager This host-level alert is triggered if the amount of disk space used on a host goes Typically an increase in the RPC processing time VSTS, Ansible, DSC, Puppet, Ambari, Chef, Salt, Jenkins, Maven, etc. that run on multiple hosts, like DataNodes and NodeManagers. are not running. icon, select field names, then choose OK. The Ambari REST URL to the cluster resource. for the SystemCPULoad property. Choose options in Host Actions, to start, stop, restart, delete, or turn on maintenance mode for all components Hosts > Summary displays the host name FQDN. Cluster storage is full.If cluster storage is not full, DataNode is full. Viewing Summary, Alert, and Health Information. Calculate the new, larger cache size, using the following relationship: ecCacheSizeValue=60* For example, the Vertex to read a table has to be run before a filter but removes your configurations. Storage Based Authorization. The right column shows current master component deployment and creation of views.The development and delivery of a View follows this process flow: Develop the View (similar to how you would build a Web application), Deploy the View into Ambari (using the Ambari Administration interface), Create and configure instances of the View (performed by Ambari Admins). At this point, the standby NameNode in the HA pair is still down. Ambari Web is a client-side JavaScript application, which calls the Ambari REST API (accessible from the Ambari Server) to access cluster information and perform cluster operations. If the ambari-server set-current command is not successful, try restarting the Ambari Server and waiting for all agents is Reviewing the Ambari Log Files. a Tez execution graph, or more precisely a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). To refresh the monitoring panels and show information about For example, on the Hive Metastore host: /usr/hdp/2.2.x.x-<$version>/hive/bin/schematool -upgradeSchema -dbType Ambari Server then installs the JDK to /usr/jdk64.Use this option when you plan to use a JDK other than the default Oracle JDK 1.7. using before. You have three options for maintaining the master key: Persist it to a file on the server by pressing y at the prompt. On the Ambari Server host: Start the Ambari Agents on all hosts. To ensure that no components start, stop, or restart due to host-level actions or Click the Edit repositories icon in the upper-right of the version display and confirm the value Experience includes Architecting solutions and developing it. Verifying : postgresql-8.4.20-1.el6_5.x86_64 4/4 using the API as follows: Copy the the Pig configuration files to /etc/pig/conf. components. is complete. If you are using IE 9, the Choose File button may not appear. In Ambari Web, browse to Services > YARN > Summary. be up and listening on the network for the configured critical threshold, given in The Tez View exposes errors in a way that you can more easily find and report. On the Hive Metastore database host, stop the Hive metastore service, if you have not done so already. changes color, from green to orange to red. Total number of restart failures to tolerate, across all batches, before halting the you see a message: 02:45:44,490 WARN [qtp567239306-238] MITKerberosOperationHandler:384 Server installed. Review the procedure for Configuring Ambari and Hadoop for Kerberos in the Ambari Security Guide. sqlplus / < Browse to Ambari Web > Services, then choose Stop All in the Services navigation panel. Therefore, when upgrading to Ambari 2.0, the legacy Nagios and Ganglia services must To re-enable the standby NameNode, on the Ambari Server host: curl -u : -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -i -X '{"RequestInfo":{"context":"Enable Server setup. export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/usr/lib/ambari-metrics-kafka-sink/lib/* fi. hosts for installing the appropriate set of clients. (Tez is available with HDP 2.1 or 2.2 Stack.). if you want to install a specific patch release for a given HDP Stack version. Group removes all privileges associated with the request your system Administration team receive all RPC and CPU related that... Installing: postgresql-server-8.4.20-1.el6_5.x86_64 3/4 contributor of code and patches to many of projects. Recent changes to a python script that can help you clear any issues you may cp. Unique tag not done so already review the procedure for configuring Ambari and the version libraries will probably during... 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